Feedback from the Masters

Juan Caviedes, Brigitta Gumpold , Ian, Eric Beale, Scott Stottler, Joseph, Stuart Peaslee


Case Study - Wayne Holland

Designer & Visualization Artist & Carpenter | United Kingdom..

"Discover the Masterful Journey of my Student, Building Designer- Wayne Holland Using the Artful Render Technique"


Case Study -Brigitta Gumpold 

Interior Architect | United Kingdom

"Discover the Masterful Journey of my Student, Interior Architect - Brigtta Gumpold Using the Artful Render Technique"


Case Study - Robert Beach 

Architect |  United States USA

"As impactful as the Artful Render is when you compare it to other Architects, our renders look far superior ..."


Class feedback in one session

"An amazing group of individuals that took part in the masters program ..."


Professional Feedback 

Architect & building designers from all around the world


Peter Wedell | Denmark | Copenhagen



Greg Williams | Design Architect | San Diego

The process is beautiful, and I used to be the person who did the architectural illustrations in my office until I let go and became a dinosaur. This is precisely what I needed to learn to get back up to scratch... when the student is ready to learn, the teacher will arrive, and you have taught me to control the computer and process.


Crispin Shurr - Architect - Australia

Working through the process has enabled me to think about Design Architecture and what generates complexity, depth and form. I will take what I have learned back into my design process. This training has been a two-way street.


Jeri Spurling - Architect - USA

I think it's genius how you put these various techniques from various software together and using your eye and helps take the control back from the computer in a pretty exciting way. I have never seen our business so busy, and this will help me.


Eigh Pascual - Training Architect

Canadian Intern Architect - In my design studio, we do short proposals, and there is a constant need to produce render proposals. The ArtfuL Sketch-like Renders look great at the conceptual stage and they are easy to create.


Ron Sieh - Architect - USA

I like the sense of community sharing, and the tutorials are great. I was looking for a new technique. I traditionally use photo-realistic renders. I like the artistic, sketchy style, and I was excited to find a new way to produce easy renders that I don't have to overthink!


Irena S. - Architect - USA

New York Architect.......I felt like this course was awesome, it was In alignment with doing things expediently...


John Doyle - Urban Architect- USA

After 20 years in the profession of urban design, working at the front-end doing concepts, I am a Sketchup user, and I realize this technique makes the images less ridged and loose; I used to do a lot of hand sketching; this technique is more time efficient!


Chris Klinefelter- Architectural Senior Student

There are a million videos out there but having something targeted to architecture and rendering is enormous, especially photoshop; it is of great value. I am not telling my classmates about this training (lol).


Benjamin Shaefer - Architect - USA

I feel the process is excellent and easy to digest. I think any level can benefit. I like the positive feedback and Jason's attitude and pushing along.


Nancy Dickson | Architect USA

I can't think enough about this class; I have learned so much more in this class than in several years of online training. I am still in precise mode after 40 years in the profession, so to be able to let go and express myself freely is my goal.


Shoshana Smadar - Architect - USA

I am enjoying this course. I think having the meetings weekly; we have a place carved out for us of belonging. The class encourages each other with a shared understanding of what we will gain.


Karibu Karanya - Uganda - Architect

My Background is Archicad since 1990, will recommend it to any architect. The most crucial thing is the warm touch with the artful render compared to other programs, something priceless!


John T. Smyth - Architects - USA

What is exciting is I run my own little residential design business here in Atlanta. I have been looking to outsource for years my production work. I can do it, but I am too old to be doing it all myself. By hiring younger folks part-time to do technical, the Artful Render will be a tool for me to create the concept in mainstream software to wooh the client over. This will allow me to communicate it to my staff to focus on the business as lead generator and designer.


Dennis Forest | Design Architect - Ireland

I am rediscovering what has been lost. I started in an office as an apprentice, and apprentices would take out Chinese Watercolors to produce drawings. Slowly technology robbed us of that delight; We have been forced into working with a computer which does not reflect the style of the person who created it. In the office, you could tell who the drawings were created by. Working with the computer during this training has been unique, completely removed from the norm, and totally enjoyable.


Dennis Forest | Design Architect - Ireland

I had a great experience. I have used it in 2 or 3 presentations to my clients, and the feedback I got from them was excellent. The ease of quickly picking 10 - 15 views and printing them out helps my clients understand the design better. There is a buzz in the office; we save photo-realistic renders for the end of the process.