How Architects can find inspiration before starting a new project.

design inspirations for architects design presentation pinterest for architects May 02, 2021

Hi, my name is Jason Josselsohn. For the last Seventeen Years, I have worked as a design architect, launching a myriad of projects at the conceptual design stage to raise startup capital. My job is sort of like going fishing for new projects weekly using robust conceptual design & presentation. My Sporadic design process needs a constant flow of inspiration, and I always need a way to tap into a resource that offers me the fuel to keep going.

There are a few ways that I have experienced in my career that I can achieve this level of inspirational guidance. The most obvious way is to take a break, sometimes going out of the design studio into a natural environment, to take a rest, and then to return to my work environment full of vitality, ready to take on the world again.

However, most of the time, when I can't get out, I rely on a powerful internet resource that allows me to become inspired rationally.

Please watch this video where I explain & demonstrate how you too, can use this tool when feeling low on inspiration.

In Friendship

Jason Josselsohn

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