The Art of Dressing up a bare naked architectural model

3d archietctural presentaion 3d entourage 3d entourage video archtectural tricks concept design entourage for models how to create 3d entourage Oct 03, 2021

A 3d perspective image needs to have essential qualities that allow the end receiver, usually a client, to relate to the design & 3d model. Most human beings use their five senses and emotions to gauge and understand 3d space.

Architects can now use design softwares to embellish 3d virtual models with people, cars, foliage and furniture. These 3d elements create mental triggers and visual hooks that allow the untrained eye to discover and relate to the Architectural Design of space.

Learning how to dress an architectural model optimally for presentations will ease the communication gap with clients when expressing design to win more work.


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